Our beams are designed to accentuateceilings of rooms, giving a warm and rusticlook. They are available in two styles. Allbeams are three sided and close ended,allowing them to be installed over existingstructures such as smaller I beams, plumbing -pipes, electrical wires or conduit. The beams are lightweight, allowing for easy handling and installation.
Lightweight – Polyurethane is much lighterthan most other materials, allowing you toinclude or add these products withoutre-engineering the substructure of your project.
Easy to Work With – All of our products can beinstalled using standard woodworking tools.Installation is fast and simple, and can be 5accomplished using fewer hours than similarproducts made from traditional materials.
Low Maintenance – Polyurethane products areimpervious to moisture, they will never rot ordeteriorate in high-humidity. Our productsare resistant to environmental degradationand will not dry out, crack, split or warp, aswood does. All of our products are resistant totermites and other destructive insects. Thisproduct can be used for internal or externalpurposes and painted to match any decor. Forexternal applications, UV protection must beapplied.
Inexpensive – Polyurethane beams provide asimple and inexpensive way to dramatically improve the decor of any room.